chemistry lover
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Perguruan tinggi dapat mengusulkan nama-nama mahasiswa yang memang berkompetensi untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini. Salah satu persyaratannya cukup dengan mengisi formulir terlampir dan mendaftar ke kopertis wilayah pada tanggal 11-26 maret 2013. Persyaratan beserta formulirnya dapat diunduh di stus resmi
Melalui kompetisi tingkat nasional itu, Dikti akan memilih peserta yang akan dikirim sebagai delegasi mahasiswa berprestasi di bidang Matematika hasil ON MIPA-PT tersebut untuk mengikuti ajang International Mathematics Competetition For University Students (IMC) yang akan dilaksanakan di Blagoegvard, Bulgaria.
Dengan diselenggarakannya ON MIPA-PT, Direktur Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Illah Sailah melalui surat edarannya berharap dapat meningkatkan kemampuan akademik dan wawasan mahasiswa dari tiap perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, sekaligus memberikan masukan untuk perbaikan mutu pendidikan di perguruan tinggi khususnya di bidang MIPA. Selain itu, olimpiade tingkat nasional ini juga bisa menjadi sarana promosi dan meningkatkan daya tarik di MIPA d tengah-tengah masyarakat. (*)
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Saturday, 16 March 2013
At one time, computational chemistry techniques were used only by experts extremely experienced in using tools that were for the most part di½cult to understand and apply. Today, advances in software have produced programs that are easily used by any chemist. Along with new software comes new literature on the subject. There are now books that describe the fundamental principles of computational chemistry at almost any level of detail. A number of books also exist that explain how to apply computational chemistry techniques to simple calculations appropriate for student assignments. There are, in addition, many detailed research papers on advanced topics that are intendedto be read only by professional theorists.
The group that has the most di½culty ®nding appropriate literature are working chemists, not theorists. These are experienced researchers who know chemistry and now have computational tools available. These are people whowant to use computational chemistry to address real-world research problems
and are bound to run into signi®cant di½culties. This book is for those chemists. We have chosen to cover a large number of topics, with an emphasis on when and how to apply computational techniques rather than focusing on theory. Each chapter gives a clear description with just the amount of technical
depth typically necessary to be able to apply the techniques to computational problems. When possible, the chapter ends with a list of steps to be taken for di½cult cases.
The group that has the most di½culty ®nding appropriate literature are working chemists, not theorists. These are experienced researchers who know chemistry and now have computational tools available. These are people whowant to use computational chemistry to address real-world research problems
and are bound to run into signi®cant di½culties. This book is for those chemists. We have chosen to cover a large number of topics, with an emphasis on when and how to apply computational techniques rather than focusing on theory. Each chapter gives a clear description with just the amount of technical
depth typically necessary to be able to apply the techniques to computational problems. When possible, the chapter ends with a list of steps to be taken for di½cult cases.
Kimia Komputasi
Ebook ini memberikan penjelasan singkat tentang kemampuan salah satu program kimia komputasi HyperChem yang akan memberikan pengertian dan pengalaman bagi mahasiswa untuk menjalankan pemodelan molekul. Dua sistem yang akan dilakukan dalam proses pembelajaran dari bab ini yaitu, demo oleh dosen di depan kelas dengan menggunakan perangkan LCD projector dan membawa mahasiswa secara berkelompok ke laboratorium kimia komputasi. Materi praktikum mahasiswa dapat diambilkan dari bab IX yang berisi materi praktikum kimia komputasi.
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